心想事成 好运连连
牛!牛!牛! 在英语中有许多单词都可以表示“牛”,比如: ▲ cow [kaʊ] 奶牛,母牛 【相关短语】: have a cow 暴跳如雷;焦虑不安 till the cows come home 很长时间;永远 例如: He kept a few dairy cows. 他养了几头奶牛。 ▲ cattle [ˈkætl] (总称)牛 【英文释义】: domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age 例如: These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain. 这些牛是英国最纯的品种之一。 ▲ bull [bʊl] 公牛 【相关短语】: a bull in a china shop 笨拙莽撞的人,冒失鬼 take the bull by the horns 勇敢面对困境或险境 shoot the bull/breeze 聊天,闲聊 bull-headed 犟,倔,一意孤行 a red rag to a bull 激起人怒火的事物 例如: We're rooting for the Bulls. 我们在为公牛队加油。 ▲ calf [kæf] 小牛 【相关短语】: in/with calf 怀宝宝的 例如: Each cow normally produces only one calf at a time. 在一般情况下,一头母牛每次只能产一头小牛。 ▲ ox [ɑːks] 公牛,饲养的牛 【固定搭配】: as strong as an ox 健壮如牛 Year of the Ox. 牛年 例如: I was born in the year of the ox. 我属牛。 十二生肖(Chinese zodiac animals)的英文表达: ღ The Rat 鼠 ღ The Ox 牛 ღ The Tiger 虎 ღ The Rabbit 兔 ღ The Dragon 龙 ღ The Snake 蛇 ღ The Horse 马 ღ TheSheep 羊 ღ The Monkey 猴 ღ The Rooster 鸡 ღ The Dog 狗 ღ The Pig 猪 ▲ New Year's Eve 除夕 例如: There's a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve. 我们家有个传统,全家要在除夕之夜聚在一起过年。 ▲ Pay a New Year Call 拜年 例如: I'll pay a New Year call to my uncle today. 今天我要去叔叔家拜年。 ▲ lucky money 压岁钱 例如: I got so much lucky money during the spring festival. 过年时我得了很多压岁钱。 春节祝福语的英文表达: ღ Happy Spring Festival. 新春快乐 ღ Lots of luck for the new year. 好运连连 ღ May all your dreams come true. 心想事成 ღ Wish you good health. 身体健康