2014-02-19 11:38 供稿单位: 新航道
出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别
merchandise held up by Customs 卡关货物
whole-journey nanny service 保姆式全程服务
mitigate risks 规避风险
a sustained, rapid and sound development 持续快速健康发展
fraudulence, overlapping and redundancy, IPR infringement 骗展、重复展和侵权现象
pilot projects 试点项目
haphazard investment 盲目投资
merger and acquisition and capital operation, certification and brand-name promotion, festival sponsorship, and risk management 并购与资本运作、认证与品牌推广、节庆赞助与风险管理
housing project for low-income urban residents 安居工程
gear…to the international conventions 把…与国际接轨
Greater Far East Co-prosperity Sphere 大东亚共荣圈
strengthening co-operation in various fields accords with the common wishes and fundamental interests of people in the two countries 加强各项领域的合作符合两国人民的共同心愿和根本利益
prevent an overheated economy 防止经济过热
steady development for mutual benefits and win-win outcomes 稳步发展 互利双赢
safeguard the interests of right holders 维护知识产权权利人利益
substantive motion 实质性的动议
firm determination, clear-cut attitude and effective actions 决心是坚定的,态度是鲜明的,行动是有力的
applicable tariff rate 适用税率
take an objective view and approach of development towards 客观的、发展的眼光
encouraging independent innovation, strengthening independent research and development capacity, and boosting international competitiveness 鼓励自主创新,增强自主研发能力,提高国际竞争力hold water 站得住脚
governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show 政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏
act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections 外引内联
link total payroll with the performance of an enterprise 企业"工效挂钩"
establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government 建立市场经济、法制、民主监督和廉政"三个机制"
serve as a medium for introducing advanced technologies, managerial expertise and qualified professionals from outside 发挥技术窗口管理窗口和人才窗口的作用
establish an unified, open market with orderly competition 形成统一、开放和竞争有序的市场
rise of knowledge-based economy 知识经济的兴起
optimum portfolio 投资组合
payback period of investment 投资回收期
China's Opening and a win-for-all World 中国的开放与世界的共赢
self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system 社会主义制度的自我完善和自我发展
intensive processing 深加工
greenmail 绿票欺诈
high-yield, high-quality and high-return agriculture 三高农业(高产、高质、高效)
simplify circulation and add more random checks 简化流通环节,增加随机检查
actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside 积极引进外来资金、技术、人才和管理经验
to impose charges and quotas and collect money without authorization 不合理收费、集资和摊派
marginal productivity 边际生产力
to ensure the continuity and stability of our basic line, principles and policies 保证基本路线和方针政策的连续性和稳定性
to combine remuneration according to work with remuneration according to factors of production 把按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来
policy of friendship and partnership with neighboring countries 以邻为善,以邻为伴
put into practice the guidelines of the Party's Sixteenth National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of its Sixteenth Central Committee 贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神
economic sanction 经济制裁
economic take-off 经济腾飞
education for all-round development 素质教育
interim government 过渡政府
Peace and development have become the main current in today's world 和平与发展已成为当今世界的主流
to combat the global economic slump 抵抗全球经济衰退
the transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises 产权划转和产权变动
hidden employment 隐形就业
Grain for Green Project 退耕还林、还草工程
stimulate economic growth 拉动经济增长
be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country 服从全局、服务全局
yield the greatest returns on investment 发挥的使用效益
appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the country 对中西部地区适当倾斜
The uncompleted projects cannot drag on and require excessive investment 避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不能
use our limited funds where they can be put to best use 把有限的资金用在"刀刃上"
the transition from an examination and approval system to a registration and recording system for the right to engage in export 出口经营权由审批制向登记备案制过渡
guard against and defuse financial risks 防范和化解金融风险
reform the price formation mechanism 改革价格形成机制
Development requires that we always concentrate on economic growth, base ourselves on China's realities, conform to the trend of the times and continue to explore new ways to promote the progress of the advanced productive forces and culture 发展必须坚持以经济建设为中心,立足中国现实,顺应时代潮流,不断开拓促进先进生产力和先进文化发展的新途径
相关阅读: 托福常用商贸词汇整理(11)
以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福常用商贸词汇整理(27),希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福词汇频道 https://www.xhd.cn/toefl/cihui/
- 上一篇:托福常用商贸词汇整理(28)
- 下一篇:托福常用商贸词汇整理(27)
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