然鹅 没有想到,真的居家办公的我 告别了996,却迎来了007!!! “加班”英文怎么说? “add work” ??!! No No No…… ▲ work overtime/overtime work 加班 【Work overtime是“加班”比较常见的说法,歪果仁会直接讲它的缩写 “OT”】 ☆ If you insist on doing so, then we have to work overtime. 如果你坚持要这么做,那么我们只好加班了。 ☆ His illness has something to do with his overtime work. 他生病与他加班加点的工作有些关系。 ▲ work overnight 通宵工作,一整夜加班 ☆ So we had to work overnight for the arrangement of interviews. 所以我们不得不连夜工作以安排面试。 “工作”相关的英文表达 ▲ off to work 上班 【off表示离开的意思,to表示目的,所以歪果仁通常会用“off to work”表示上班】 ☆ He had a quick breakfast and rushed off to work. 他匆忙吃完早餐,赶紧去上班了。 ▲ get off work 下班 ☆ I'll get off work early tomorrow. 明天我将提前下班。 ▲ leave in lieu 调休 ☆ You can take tomorrow off for leave in lieu. 你明天可以调休了。 ▲ overtime pay/overtime 加班费 ☆ I'm working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later. 我加班没有加班费,所以我可以在以后调休几天。 ☆ Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime. 大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。 你一般都几点下班吖??