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2021-07-09 17:00     作者 :    




  这种题比较直白地考察我们是否能够准确理解主语的属性,或是主语发出的动作。所以在碰到这种题的时候,我们一般可以直接用主语定位,再比对原文和题干的表语或者谓语 + 宾语是否一致即可。

  每次我在课堂问学生英语当中语态有几种的时候,总有那么一些同学掰着手指头在那里数,所有当时在数数的同学都混淆了一个概念 ----- 时态和语态,英语中时态都很多种,但是语态只有两种 ---- 主动和被动。雅思阅读填空题常考的一个知识点之一就是对主被动转换的考察,而这个知识点的考察模式是固定的,只要掌握了该点的考察思路,基本这类题目全部都能做对。



  题干:______were used for key tasks to limit the amount of human involvement in carrying out the tests.

  (C8 P29 Q36)

  原文:After this, many researchers switched to autoganzfeld tests---an automated variant of the technique which used computers to perform many of the key tasks.


  题干:Some books written by _______ have had to leave out the mathematics that is central to their theories. (C11 P89 Q38)

  原文:Other scientists have written books to explain their fields to nonscientists, but have necessarily had to omit the mathematics.

  two + 抽象名词s=A and B题干中是two+ 抽象名词s 的时候,文章中答案所在的地方一般是A and B 的形式。


  (1) 题干:invented a term used to distinguish two factors affecting human characteristics.(C11 P89 Q5)

  原文:The English scientist Francis Galton first suggested the approach(and coined the phrase ‘nature and nurture’.该题中的two factors 就等于文中的nature and nurture.

  ( 2 ) 题干: Two coincidental developments (C8 P22 Q15)

  原文:In the 1940s, ATC centers could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War.

  该题中的two developments 就等于文中的newly developed radar and improved radio communication。想要检验一下自己有没有get 到这个知识点的小朋友,可以翻到剑10 的第67 页做一下第8小题。


  大家都知道例子的作用是用更具体的方式来解释例子前面一句话,因此例子前面那句话出题的可能性很大,其实例子所在的句子本身也容易出题,今天我们只说举例众多考察方式中的一种 ---- 填空题中对举例的考察。


  题干: Middle ages : known as a treatment for _______ and other health problems. (C13 P40 Q5)

  文章:Cinnamon was also reported to have health benefits, and was thought to cure various ailments , such as indigestion.

  题干中问 _ __ 以及其他的健康问题,也就是说空格上应该填写一种具体的健康问题,文中说了cinnamon 可以治疗各种病, 例如indigestion,因此答案就是indigestion.也有和这道题目相反的考察方式, 也就是:


  题干: Activity in this part of the brain is associated with the expectation of ‘reward stimuli’ such as ________. (C12 P68 Q31)

  原文: Are gion of the brain involved in learning stimulus-response associations, and in anticipating food and other ‘reward stimuli’.

  了解了该知识点的常见考察方式,题目的答案就一目了然了。想要检验这条技能是否掌握的小伙伴,可以拿出剑11 翻到第67 页做一下第9 小题。


  在我教学过程中,很多学生普遍都有的问题是定不到位,确切的说是无法精确定位,很多时候找到了定位词,每次都要读定位词所在句子的前前后后的句子,阅读了较多无效内容,耽误了宝贵的时间,而绝大多数微观题的答案在文中只对应1-2 句话,也就说很多题目你只需要读定位词所在的那句话就可以得出答案了,若该句没有答案,且出现了代词的时候才需要往前看一句,因为代词的指代内容都在上一句话,除此之外,几乎都不需要你看前一句。接下来通过几道例题学习一下通过代词的指代作用定位到答案句得出答案的技能。

  (1) 题干:One particular population's summer habitat is a national park, and their winter home is on the ______, where they go to avoid the danger presented by the snow at that time of year. (C11 P72 Q24)

  原文:One population follows a narrow route from its summer range in the mountains, across a river, and down onto the plains. Here they wait out for the frozen months, feeding mainly on sagebrush blown clear of snow.

  通过定位词winter home 我们定位到文中的frozen months 这句话,因此好多同学就在这句话中找答案,找到了sagebrush 这个词 (写这个词当答案的同学真的不是少数),虽然这个词前面也是介词on,但是feed on+ 食物,而题干

  中空格后的where 我们确定答案词应该是个地点,但这句话中没有地点,唯1一个表地点的词还是一个代词here,因此我往前找一句,找到了here 所指代的词plains。

  (2)题干:The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of change. (C7 P76 Q33)

  原文:Forest policy must allow for the inevitable changes that take place in the forests, in needs and hence in policy. The Strasbourg conference was one of the first events on such a scale to reach this conclusion.

  定位词Strasbourg conference所在的句子根本就没提及允不允许change 的事情,通过该句中的代词this conclusion 找到前一句话的must allow for the inevitable changes, 因此该题是TRUE。


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