SheldonAround 50 percent of the men have human papillomavirus (HPV) which often goes undetected and is easily passed on during unprotected sex。
Of the group, around six percent of men yearly contract a new HPV 16 infection, the virus most well known for causing cervical cancer in women and also causing cancers in men。
While the majority of the nearly 200 known types of HPV cause no symptoms in most people, some cause warts while others lead to cancers of the genitals and throat。
The study further reinforces calls for a male HPV vaccination program to be rolled out worldwide to nip the infection in the bud。
Professor Anna Giuliano of the H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa, Florida, found 32,000 cases of cancers in men and women in the USA in 2009 were attributable to HPV infection。
It also found anogenital warts were the most common result of HPV, with 205 cases per 100,000 diagnosed every year in the USA。
In addition to the diseases HPV causes directly in men, the virus is readily transmitted from men to women putting them at greater risk。
The study found men who had more than one lover were more prone to catching the virus。
The chances of cancer-causing (oncogenic) HPV infection was 2.4 times higher from men who had had 50 or more female partners compared with no partners or just one partner and 2.6 times higher for men who had at least three male anal sex partners compared with no recent partners。
The average duration of HPV infection was seven and a half months for any HPV and 12 months for the cancer-causing HPV type 16.
HPV also causes 80 percent of cervical cancer cases. The findings are published online in the Journal Lancet。