As the stances of some global sportswear brands - including Nike and Adidas - toward cotton grown in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have caused a backlash, the money and scalpers behind special edition shoes designed by these companies are shifting to domestic brands such as Li-Ning and Anta to avoid risks, the Global Times learned.
scalpers 黄牛党
For example, the listed price of the "All-star" version of Li-Ning Way of Wade 4 on a Chinese fashion shoe-trading platform where people can buy limited editions at prices far above the official prices - is 48,889 yuan ($7,444) per pair, 31 times higher than the official price of 1,499 yuan, although no sales have been recorded.
The price of Chinese sportswear producer Anta's Doraemon-themed casual shoes on the platform was sold at 4,599 yuan - eight times higher than the original price of 499 yuan.
Normally, money and scalpers that specialize in fancy shoes tend to speculate on foreign brands such as the Jordan 1 - a series of basketball shoes jointly designed by Nike and NBA legend Michael Jordan - a seasoned collector surnamed Sun who owns more than 200 pairs of shoes told the Global Times on Monday.
"But after the Xinjiang cotton incident, the risks of speculating on these brands caused by market uncertainties due to their vague attitude are growing, so many scalpers are shifting to domestic brands to avoid risks. This should be the main reason," Sun said.
Speculation involving special editions has driven up prices of some common models as well, drawing complaints from ordinary customers who said that it's hard to get a pair of normal shoes for an affordable price.
A user of Weibo, a Twitter-like Chinese social media, said that shoes should be worn instead of being collected, as most buyers of domestic shoes are just ordinary people, and soaring prices for normal shoes will affect their quality of life.
话说回来,你知道黄牛用英语该怎么说嘛,难不成是“yellow cow”?
可不是哦,黄牛,也就是倒票的贩子,可以叫做:ticket scalpers / ticket tout
这个词从“头皮”scalp而来,最初scalping表示的是一种剥头皮的野蛮风俗。 在交易中这个词则表示一种恶意操纵市场买卖的手段,“黄牛”或者进行非法交易的人就被称为scalper。 We should protect the public against being gouged by ticket scalpers. 我们应该保护大众不被卖票黄牛所敲诈。 什么情况下会出现黄牛呢?那一定是某样东西太畅销啦!抢都抢不到,就给了这些黄牛党可乘之机。 形容某件东西太抢手了可以这么表达:something sells like hot cakes,也可以表达为:something is flying off the shelf. 大家为了买到心爱的宝贝在排队买票、抢货时,我们还会遇到以下跟排队相关的表达: We should be there at least one hour earlier because there is a big line. 我们至少应该提前一个钟头到达,因为要排长队。 You must always wait in a queue . You must never jump the queue . 你必须始终等候在排队,你千万不要插队。 All the hotels are booked up for the season, you will never find anywhere to book in at now. 所有的旅馆整个季节都已预订出去,现在你在哪里也订不到旅馆了。 Football games often sell out well in advance. 足球比赛经常在开赛前很久票就已经售光了。 还有一种美国人比较热衷的排队方式,比较特殊,叫 camp out。 这一种情况就是某件东西实在是卖的太好了,就像苹果手机。 就像前两年苹果手机,只要出新款就有一大批科技发烧友蹲在门店的门口等一晚上,然后在门店刚开始营业的时候买到款。 camp out本身就有露营、野营的意思,在排队的情形下也可以形容这种为了买东西通宵露营的行为。 If you're waiting for rock concert tickets and the line itself is a social event, you may camp out there overnight. 如果你正在排队等待买摇滚音乐会的门票,而排队本身就是一个社会活动,你可能在那里露营过夜。 当然camp out还有借住、借宿的意思: I am camping out at a friend's apartment at the moment. 我目前暂时寄宿在朋友的住处。 也让很多鞋贩子闻到了商机, 但为了大发横财而丢掉伦理, 无底线的炒鞋的行为 无疑是在割“爱国”韭菜。 你对炒鞋的行为怎么看?