作为“夜猫子”一族 在忙碌的白天里奋斗一天 夜晚终于可以自由支配时间 睡得晚真的不是我们的错啊…… ▲ night owl 喜欢熬夜的人;夜猫子 ☆ Of course, I'm a night owl. 当然可以了,我是夜猫子。 ☆ I'm a morning person and she's a night owl. 我习惯早上工作,而我的老板却是个夜猫子。 ▲ night person 夜猫子,习惯熬夜的人 ☆I'm a night person; I usually stay up late, reading or writing something. 我是个夜猫子,经常熬夜,我喜欢在晚上看看书,写点什么。 ☆ I love to work night shifts, I don't know why but you could call me a "night person". 我喜欢上夜班,我也不知是为什么,你可以叫我是“夜猫子”。 ▲ stay up 不睡,熬夜 ☆ I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies. 我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。 ☆ Don't stay up late at night next time. 下次不要再晚上熬夜了。 ▲ toss and turn 辗转反侧,翻来覆去 ☆ I think I have sleep problem. Every night I toss and turn in the bed and just can't fall asleep. 我觉得我失眠了。每天晚上我都在床上辗转反侧,就是睡不着。 ☆ You toss and turn, but sleep won't come. 你辗转反侧,但总也睡不着。 ▲ suffer from insomnia 失眠 ☆ I feel very weak and I often suffer from insomnia. 我觉得身体非常虚弱,而且我经常失眠。 ☆ While there could be times when we think so much until we suffer from insomnia. 有些时候我们因为想太多而失眠。 ▲ doze off 打瞌睡,打盹儿 ☆ I used to doze off while driving, but I don't anymore. 我以前开车时常会打瞌睡,但是现在不会了。 ☆ Why did you doze off again when you're at work? 你怎么又在上班时间打瞌睡?