这回,我们要开始看“虚拟语气”了。 虚拟语气是一个很有逼格的名字,不如说成“那不是真的 / 这不是真的 / 这不会成真吧”。 其实虚拟语气的逻辑、形式、规则都不复杂,大家也可能是说起来头头是道,那么,关键在于应用。这里,我给大家两个“应用场景”(“场景”是时下流行词吧),完美适配虚拟语气的使用,让你学会的虚拟语气“兑现”成分数。 场景一:开头段落里说明立场的那一句。 当题目给出的statement不直接契合我们的身份的时候: If I were the policy-maker or the decision-maker, I would blah blah blah. (应对基建、社会政策主题的话题) If I could return to my teenage years, I would blah blah blah. (应对对于人群有设定的话题) If I were the teacher, I would blah blah blah. (应对教育类别的话题) If I had a family business, I would blah blah blah. (应对其它一些话题) 场景二:举例论证的后半部分。 当我们正面论证的时候,我们举例说明了某一个情况去论证我们的观点,我们用虚拟语气再去假设一下形成反面论证: If I were a stingy person, I would not have chosen the outfit, which was costly, and probably would not have been admitted to the sorority, which is full of privileged girls. If I had not remained calm and optimistic or I had lost my cool and got frantic, I would not have had the chance to turn things around. 例子不胜枚举,只要学会方法,完美复制,几乎可以“万用”。 当然,虚拟语气在这两个场景中使用时,是不是有一些细节要注意和讲究?是的。以及,我们现在看到的例子都是对于现在或者过往的虚拟,是不是还有可能需要学会对于将来的虚拟?对的。关于虚拟语气在独立写作任务中的运用的更多内容,我们下回再讲。