2020.1.4(morning)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Learning through watching video courses online is as effective as learning in a real classroom.(同TPO4,TPO7)【思路解析】online courses1) save time/ time-saving2) save money/ money-saving3) more efficiently4) take a reviewtraditional courses1) more efficiently2) make more friends3) communication ability
2020.1.4(afternoon)Some people believe that a library should be a quiet place where students study; Others believe that a library should be a place where students can meet friends and discuss about issues. What do you think a library should be and why?(重复2018.8.25)【思路解析】library should be quiet1) study more efficiently2) choose other places àdiscussà café
2020.1.5When shopping for daily necessities, some people prefer to go to a large supermarket or a grocery store to buy all the things at once. Other people prefer to go to several small specialty stores to buy all the things. For example, they will go to a food store to buy food materials. Which shopping way would you prefer? And why? Give specific reasons and examples in your answer.(重复2019.8.25)【思路解析】large supermarket1) save time/ time-saving2) better shopping experiencesmall specialty store1) better service2) more choices
2020.1.11To promote academic success, your university is considering a new policy that would limit the number of hours per week that students can spend working at university jobs. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not, using specific examples and details in your response.(重复2019.8.3)【思路解析】limit the number of hours1) study better2) if not à study less efficiently
2010.1.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be required to pass a sport physical exam (swimming, running) before they graduate. Why? (重复2018.7.7NA)【思路解析】should pass sport exam:1) physical healthoverall development
综合口语方面,Task2的阅读依旧是1个改变+2个相关的点,听力依旧是leading speaker表达一个一边倒的观点(去年出现过的中立的情况目前还没有再出现)外加两个原因。
Task3的阅读依旧是定义一个学术概念,然后听力部分举例子。常考的学科依旧是Psychology, Biology, Sociology及Business,但是这道题目尤其是听力中的结构就不是那么稳定了,各位同学要好好练习听力,保证考试稳定发挥。
Task4的听力部分依旧按照一个主体+两个点+两个例子的结构进行,和Task3一样,Biology, Psychology, Sociology及Business依旧是常考的话题。