course (n.) 河道,课程
cour/ se
run/ 名词字尾
1. currency (n.) 货币,通货
cur/ renc/ y
run/ 名词字尾
The euro may replace the currencies of the various nations in the European Union.
2. current (n.) (水、电、气)流
cur/ rent
run/ 名词字尾
When the temperature nears absolute zero, electric currents meet with little or no resisitance.
3. cursor (n.) 游标
curs/ or
run/ 名词字尾
To click on an icon, you must first move the cursor on top of it.
4. cursory (a.) 匆忙的,草率的
curs/ ory
run/ 形容词字尾
Most doctors today are too busy to have anything more than a cursory chat with outpatient.
5. concur (v.) 看法一致,同意
con/ cur
together/ run
Experts at the World Economic Conference concur that technology will continue to be the driving force behind economic growth.
世界经济会议的与会导师看法一致,认为 科技会持续作为经济成长的动力。
6. discursive (a.) 漫谈式的
dis/ curs/ ive
apart/ run/ 形容词字尾
Montaigne's essays were written in a discursive style.
7. excursion (n.) 出游
ex/ curs/ ion
out/ run/ 名词字尾
Buses wait at hotel gates to take people on gambling excursions to Atlantic City.
8. incur (v.) 招致
in/ cur
in/ run
Should the president decide to run for reelection, he might incur the wrath of the people.
9. occur (v.) 产生
oc(ob)/ cur
toward/ run
Full eclipses of the sun do not occur very often.
10. precursor (n.) 先导,前身
pre/ curs/ or
before/ run/ 名词字尾
Some political leaders regard European monetary union as a precursor to political union.
11. recur (v.) 反复发生
re/ cur
again/ run
Having fought in Vietnam, the veteran is afflicted with recurring nightmares.
12. courier (n.) 信差
cour/ ier
run/ 名词字尾
Nowadays diplomatic couriers serve more symbolic functions than carrying messages.
13. concourse (n.)(机场、车站)大厅,广场
con/ cour/ se
together/ run/ 名词字尾
With the flight delayed for 24 hours, many frustrated passengers are planning to camp out in the airport concourse.
14. intercourse (n.) 交往
inter/ cour/ se
between/ run/ 名词字尾
A recluse lives without any social intercourse.
15. recourse (n.) 退路,后援
re/ cour/ se
back/ run/ 名词字尾
One recourse for financially strapped museums is to sell off part of their collections.
16. corridor (n.) 长廊
cor/ ridor
run/ 名词字尾
Rooms line either side of the long corridor.