Part 2 字根 表示{行为动作}的字根 pend, pens, pond = hang, weigh, pay 悬挂,衡量,支出
depend (v.) 依靠
de/ pend
加强语气/ hang
1. pendant (n.) 坠子
pend/ ant
hang/ 名词字尾
That platinum necklace is just what I need for my diamond pendant.
2. pending (a.) 悬而未决的
pend/ ing
hang/ 形容词字尾
The term "patent pending" means that the product has entered the patent application process but has not yet been awarded a patent.
3. pendulum (n.) 钟摆
pend/ ul/ um
hang/ 名词字尾
The progress of history has been described as the swing of the pendulum.
4. appendix (n.) 附录,盲肠
ap(ad)/ pend/ ix
to/ hang/ 名词字尾
The book has a good appenix attached that supplies some useful background information.
5. compendium (n.) 摘要,大纲
com/ pend/ ium
together/ weigh/ 名词字尾
The scholar is preparing a compendium for the complete plays of Shakespeare.
6. expend (v.) 花费,支出
ex/ pend
out/ pay
Large companies expend a great deal of money and resources on research and development.
7. spendthrift (n.) 挥霍无度者
spend/ thrift
pay/ wealth
That woman was doomed to a life in poverty ever since she married that spendthrift of a thousand.
8. suspend (v.) 吊销,暂停
sus(sub)/ pend
under/ hang
His driver's license was suspended after he caused an accident by drunk driving.
9. pensive (a.) 沉思的,若有所思的
pens/ ive
weigh/ 形容词字尾
A famous sculpture by Rodin depicts a man sitting in a pensive mood.
10. compensation (n.) 补偿
com/ pens/ at/ ion
加强语气/ weigh/ 名词字尾
No amount of money can be enough compensation for what you've been through.
11. dispensary (n.) 医务室
dis/ pens/ ary
out/ weigh/ 名词字尾
For minor injuries, students can go to the dispensary at the school for treatment.
12. dispense (v.) 不用,免除
dis/ pense
out/ weigh
We can dispense with his help and get on with it ourselves.
13. expense (n.) 开销,花费
ex/ pense
out/ pay
Living expenses in Taipei are getting higher by the day.
14. indispensable (a.) 不可或缺的
in/ dis/ pens/ able
not/ out/ weigh/ able
Green vegetables are indispensable to good nutrition.
15. propenslty (n.) 倾向,天生的性向
pro/ pens/ ity
forward/ hang/ 名词字尾
The child has a natural propensity for numbers.
16. suspense (n.) 悬疑
sus(sub)/ pense
under/ hang
Murder mysteries depend heavily on suspense for their effects.
17. ponder (v.) 衡量,思考
pond/ er
weigh/ 动词字尾
Many a fresh graduates this summer is now pondering his future.
18. ponderous (a.) 沉闷的,沉重的
pond/ er/ ous
weigh/ 形容词字尾
The president's two-hour-long inauguration speech is too ponderous to be memorable.
19. preponderant (a.) 最重大的,最主要的
pre/ pond/ er/ ant
before/ weigh/ 形容词字尾
For the people in Taiwain, the preponderant concern during the president's visit to China was the "Taiwain Issue".
20. sponsor (n.) 资助厂商 (v.) 出钱主办
spons/ or
spend/ one who
TV programs need high ratings primarily to attract commercial sponsors.