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首页 > 英语专区 > 英语学习 > 小朋友教你的人生哲理


2012-02-02 13:40     作者 :    





  If nothing is in the refrigerator, don't eat dog food.Never cheat because it's not worth it.

  --Samantha Jean Fritz, age 9

  Check if there is a toilet paper before you sit down.

  Don't make a bad impression on your neighbors when you first move in.

  Laugh at your parents' jokes.

  --Natalie Citro, age 12

  When my parents are talking, not to interrupt but to wait until later, unless someone is bleeding or something.

  --Alle Vitrano, age 8

  If someone dies, think about the good, not the bad. The bad will make you feel worse.

  Don't judge people by their looks. Somebody could be the ugliest person in the world and still be nice.

  --Ashlee Gray, age 9

  If you think something will taste bad, it will. If you think something will taste good, it might.

  --Maria Mc Lane, age 9

  Pain is not good.

  Girls are more important than you think.

  --Philip Maupin, age 13

  Keep your room dirty, so your mom will be afraid to come in, and then she won’t take your stuff.

  --Geoff Rill, age 12

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