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SAT阅读寻找Main Idea

2013-01-18 00:00     作者 :    


  本篇内容是SAT阅读中从最基本的Main Idea的寻找和掌握的方面对相应的内容进行了介绍。大家在备考自己的SAT阅读考试的时候,基本上也是从这个步骤开始的,所以借鉴一下方法是十分有必要的。

  How to Find the Stated Main IdeaFirst of all, before we get into the stated main idea, you have to know what the main idea is in the first place. The main idea of a paragraph is the point of the passage, minus all the details.It's the big picture - the Solar System vs. the planets. The football game vs. the fans, cheerleaders, quarterback, and uniforms. The Oscars vs. actors, the red carpet, designer gowns, and films.

  More info on how to find the main idea

  What Is a Stated Main Idea?

  Sometimes, a reader will get lucky and the main idea will be a stated main idea, which is the easiest to find in a passage. It's written directly in the text.Author's sometimes come right out and write the main idea in the passage for a variety of reasons – they don't want you to miss the point, they're new writers, they like clear, informational writing.

  How To Find the Stated Main Idea

  Read the passage of text

  Ask this question to yourself: "What is this passage about?"

  In your own words, explain the answer in one short sentence.

  Look for a sentence in the text that most closely fits with your summary.

  Stated Main Idea Example:

  Because the Internet exists in a world that is already regulated with policies and laws, government officials, upholders of current laws and the voice of the people, should be ultimately responsible for the regulation of the Internet. With this responsibility comes the enormous task of managing the protection of First Amendment rights along with honoring social and public interests across the world. That being said, the ultimate responsibility still rests in the hands of Internet users who vote – they, along with the officials elected to serve them, make up the global community. Voters have the ability to elect responsible individuals to the appropriate posts, and the elected officials have the responsibility to act on the will of the people..

  The main idea here is "…government officials…should be ultimately responsible for the regulation of the Internet." That is a stated main idea because it is directly written in the text, and it full encapsulates the passage's meaning as a whole.

  How to Find an Implied Main IdeaHow to Find the Implied Main IdeaBefore we discuss how to find an implied main idea, you have to know what a main idea is in the first place. The main idea of a paragraph is the point of the passage, minus all the details.It's the big picture - the Solar System vs. the planets. The football game vs. the fans, cheerleaders, quarterback, and uniforms. The Oscars vs. actors, the red carpet, designer gowns, and films. It's the summary.

  More info on how to find the main idea

  What Is an Implied Main Idea?

  Sometimes, a reader will get lucky and the main idea will be a stated main idea, where the main idea is easy to find because it's written directly in the text.

  However, many of the passages you'll read on a standardized test like the SAT or GRE will have an implied main idea, which is a little trickier. If the author doesn't directly state the main idea of the text, it's up to you to infer what the main idea is.

  Finding the implied main idea is easier if you think of the passage as a box. Inside the box, is a random group of stuff (the details of the passage). Pull each item from the box and try to figure out what they each have in common, kind of like the game Tri-Bond. Once you've figured out what the common bond is among each of the items, you'll be able to summarize the passage in a snap.

  以上就是关于SAT阅读方法中寻找Main Idea的方法,无论是对于明显的还是隐藏的Main Idea,大家如果能够掌握规律,就会非常容易的找到。这样就能在备考中有更多的收获了。


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