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首页 > SAT > SAT资讯 > SAT写作 > SAT写作满分标准解析


2012-06-01 16:13     作者 :    




  SAT写作满分标准里个项目是这样说的“effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position.”


  Insight是指大家对事物深入而深刻的看法,中文可以理解成洞察力。Critical thinking则是辩证性的思考。Using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position是要大家用例子,理由或者其他证据去证明自己的观点。


  题目:Do circumstances determine whether or not people should tell the truth。


  In our world, truth and lie exist in a way the same as that of the black and white. It’s obviously for us to see that one of them is opposite to the other. So many people think directly that they are not same at all. But in fact, they are the same things in the whole, because both of them are little parts compared to the integration. Their function is to make the integration execute fluently and effective, which can benefit more people. So my idea is that truth or lie is just a kind of formation. What determines our choice is the result can really help people rather than tangle with the apparent formation.



  In our world, truth and lie exist in a way the same as that of the black and white. So many people consider that they are not the same at all. In fact, both of them are parts of the integration. That is, they are the same things. And the reason of their existence is that it can supply more ways for people to release their emotion. As far as I am concerned, I vote that people don’t have to always tell the truth, because sometimes it can hurt people, whom maybe you would have helped. 修改后的内容在表达上清晰了许多。




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