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首页 > SAT > SAT资讯 > SAT物理 > SAT2物理考试最常用的公式


2013-04-23 00:00     作者 :    





  Physics formula - Mechanics in

  Of the the kinematics formula

  Fosbury, the the the of the the kinematics equation group of the high jump the type of technology Ax = B of the applicable to to a --dimensional's motion Well with the the the acceleration of the costant from point 1 to, is located D1 from the reference of the a point to point 2, is located in the Directorate Pay Scale the first 2 point the point of from the the the reference of the with the the same of the of the. is v1 that the of the Is the speed of in the's as a the Midnight 1 Department and the v2 of is, in point 2 speed of the the Agency of the.

  v2 = v1 + A · T

  In point 2 of the the directorate level Pay Scale = D1 + (v1 the + v2) of the · T / 2

  Person Directorate Pay Scale Point 2 = D1 + V1 for the T + A, the T2 / 2

  Directorate Pay Scale point 2 = D1 + V2 of the the · T - a · T2 / 2

  V22 = V12 +2 A interferon (Directorate Pay Scale 2:00 - Directorate Pay Scale 1:00)

  Average speed: VAV = ΔD / ΔT

  Average acceleration: AAV = ΔV / ΔT

  Rotomolding kinematic equations with constant angular acceleration:

  ω2 = ω1 + α · T

  Φ2 = Φ1 + (ω1 + ω2)'s · T / 2

  Φ2 = Φ1 + ω1 · T + α · t2 / 2

  Φ2 = Φ1 + ω2 · T - α · t2 / 2

  ω22 = ω12 +2 α (Φ2 - Φ1)

  Average angular velocity: ωav = Δθ / ΔT

  Average angular acceleration of the rotor is: αav = delta omega / delta T of the

  Frequency: f = ω/2π

  During: T = 2π / ω

  The relationship between the in the of angular and linear of the variable:

  L = Φ · R

  = omega · R

  A = α · R

  Its Kinetic Formulae for "

  Pressure: P = F / A

  Of of the the second Night of's law in in Newton and that that for the: That That the F = M · a

  The kinetic energy of the force of friction: FF = (fast forward) μ · N

  Hooke's Law: Gender: F =-K · X

  The centripetal force of the: FC = M · V2 / R

  To the centripetal acceleration: AC = in the v2 the / R

  Work, energy, conservation laws formula

  Ways of working:, W = · F · Ð = Fdcos (alpha)

  Potential energy: PE = M · G · H

  Kinetic energy: KE = M v2 of / 2

  Mechanical energy :: E = KE + PE

  Instantaneous power: P = F · V

  Work energy theorem: W the = ΔKE "

  Formula of Universal Gravitation

  Newton's gravity formula: FG = · G · M · M/R2

  Kepler's third law of of: T2/a3 = ct total weight.


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