The way to light up a summer night. 用萤火虫点亮夏日的夜晚 02 The missing color is you. 有你的生活才完整 03 Enjoy the little thing. 享受生活中的每一件小事 04 and we dream of somethingextraordinary. 我们可以梦到奇特的事情 05 To the new uncertainties. 去探索未知的事情 06 In my mind I call you home. 在我心里,你就是我的家 07 We steal the moon, we chase the stars. 我们偷月亮,追星星 08 Be kind. 做友善的人 09 The lazy moon. 月亮偷懒了 10 We carry a galaxy wherever we go. 所到之处皆是银河 11 I have been taking to the sea about you. 我被带到了关于你的那片海 12 The stars shall guide us home. 用萤火虫点亮夏日的夜晚 13 May love find you. 希望爱可以找到你 14 We save the sinking star. 我们救了沉落水底的星星 15 We will make a book shelf under a tree. 我们要在树下做一个书架 16 I'll follow you into the dark. 我会追随你到黑暗中 17 There is a light somewhere. 在某个地方总会有光 18 Let's go back to the start. 让我们回到起点 Reference: https://www.boredpanda.com/beautiful-illustrations-unposted-letters-vimal-chandran/