Guangdong province has the largest number of singles in China and Beijing has the most single women, according to a list released by a dating website on Friday Nov. 1, a precursor to "Singles Day" which falls on Nov. 11.
More than 11 percent of singles live in Guangdong, which the list jokingly attributed to the dining habits down south: "Cantonese eat five meals a day, which deprives them of time to date."
Beijing has the highest proportion of single women to the city's whole population, because their toughness frightens men away, according to the website's data.
Nanjing also made the list, but for the largest number of single men, who are reportedly more interested in computer games. The report cited the sixth national census, which shows that single men outnumber single women by three to one in Nanjing.
Nov. 11 was chosen as Singles Day for the connection between singles or bachelors and the number "1."
No.1 广东
No.2 北京
No.3 江苏
No.4 山东
No.5 河南
NO.6 四川:最不着急脱团的省份。看看你的飘洋过海的老乡胖达君,人家卖个萌打个滚就有好多刀刀进账,妹子送上门。再不努力,就跟你的左手过一辈子吧。
NO.7 云南:男女光棍比例大78:22,悬殊程度全国首位。一位热心网友给出这样的建议:来X翔技校普通话班,只要998!汉语等级证书带回家,妈妈再也不用担心我找不到女盆友啦!
NO.8 河北:在京受访者中,三成来自河北。河北?NO,请叫我环北京大公国!水深火热的北京妹纸,我们来了!
NO.9 湖北:湖北的童鞋,恭喜你,在这个榜单上倒数并非什么坏事哦。不要放弃,你还有得救!
0 上海:虽然上海女光棍比例全国,虽然上海男女光棍比例差异最小、最近1:1,但面对咬死结婚成本不放松的丈母娘,骚年们,革命仍需努力啊!