只有掌握了窍门才可能是雅思考试道路上领跑者!实例讲解雅思阅读单选题答题技巧 单选题一直是童鞋们认为比较好做的雅思阅读题目,分享雅思阅读单选题型例题讲解,大家在备考雅思阅读单选题型时可以根据以下所提到的阅读技巧进行适当的练习,
单选题一直是童鞋们认为比较好做的雅思阅读题目,其原因无非就是单选题是自打咱小时候开始接触这门外语以外阅读部分的固定题型,闭着眼都能蒙对好几道。更有童鞋们总结出“三长一短选最长,三短一长选最短,长长短短选二B, 参差不齐选4D” 的金科玉律,醒世良言。然而,真正研究过雅思阅读的同学会发现,其实单选题,是个会“说谎”的题目,就是说它总是给你错误的感觉让你觉得自己选的很对,其实则不然。
33. the writer thinks that the declaration "There is no bullying at this school"
A: is no longer true in many schools
B: was not in fact made by many school
C: reflected the school's lack of conern
D: reflected a lack of knowledge and resources
“there is no bullying at this school" has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue. Fortunately, more schools are now saying: "there is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it."
很多同学一看这个题目就直接选了A,选A 选的心甘情愿,义无反顾。因为certainly untrue 和no longer true 还能有问题吗?大家想再仔细想一下就明白no longer 意思为不再,深层含义就是从前是真的,现在不再真了,这显然和untrue这种从头到尾都不真实的结论不符。