本期,我们将通过《剑桥10》Test 2 小作文来看考官会怎么用with:
“附加变化” Sweden and Denmark showed a different pattern, with falls in banana sales from 1.8-1 and 2-0.9 million euros. 写法:with +趋势名词+数据 解析: 1. 句子主干部分先作概括性描述(总):两国情况不一 2. 其后以with falls详细展开(分),添上具体数值以凸显并证明主干:销售额减少的情况不同 3. 仿写:Sweden and Denmark showed a similar pattern, with an increase of 0.2 million euros in Fairtrade coffee sales. “排除异己” Comparing the two tables, it is clear that in 1999 Fairtrade coffee sales ranged from 0.8-3 million euros in these five countries, while banana sales also mostly clustered between 0.6 and 2 million euros, with Switzerland the outlier at a huge 15 million euros. 写法:with + noun. the outlier + 数据 解析: 1. 本句很长,我们大致梳理句子内容为:1999年,咖啡销售额在0.8-3 million euros之间,而香蕉销售额基本集中在0.6-2 million euros之间。简言之,为数据划定一个范围。 2. 但有时,这组数据间会有“异军”突起,此时不妨用with短语来排除特殊项。 3. 本句还可以借鉴的地方在:在Switzerland后补上同位语名词“the outlier 异常值” 。 4. 仿写:In 1999, Fairtrade coffee sales mostly ranged between 1 and 6 million euros, with the UK the outlier at a huge 20 million euros. with的用法还有很多,我们下期再细数!