这里的flow包括2方面,一个是“flow of logic” ,即内容逻辑的紧密、不跳跃、符合普遍常理;另一个是: “ flow of language” 即语言的连接是否流畅、不跳跃。
官方评分标准的第二个方面,包括coherence and cohesion 。先来看定义:
①Coherence:simply put, is how easy the essay is to be understood.简而言之,连贯性就是文章有多容易读懂。
②Cohesion:means connectivity in a text.衔接的大意就是意味着文段的“连接度”。
让我们看看“连接”这一点做得从大约是4 / 5 / 7 / 8分的具体文段,从中体会究竟什么是好的连接吧~
The construction of theaters and sport stadiums should not be given up. I myself often go to sport stadiums in spare time and people have different ways of getting relaxed in leisure time. Having some time to let off steam is important for clearing anxiety and stress inside a person. If a person stayed in an anxious and stressful state for too long, one would sooner or later lose good control of his psychological health, then work and life, developing mental disease like depression. This is bad news for everyone.
The constructions of theaters and sport stadiums should not be given up. People often go to theaters because it is an important way of entertainment. People are usually stressed from work because of face pace of modern society. In my country, people work long hours a day and working overtime is common. They need to earn a living or support their family, paying for children’s tuition fees and daily life expense. Life expenses are increasingly high today and this is especially true in the price of housing.
The constructions of theaters and sport stadiums should not be given up. The former facilities provide entertainment value to the public, boost culture proliferation and enriches the city diversity.People are able to watch plays or films with friends; traditional cultures are consistently inherited in plays; city becomes more interesting. Sport facilities, on the other hand, contributes to keeping publics’ health in a high level, relaxing people and promoting a sporting atmosphere. If they are in sufficient number, they will serve as great incentive to encourage people to exercise, to spend leisure time and do sports there.
logically organizes information and ideas; there is a clearly progression throughout; uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately though there may be some over-/under-use; presents a clear central topic within each paragraph;
The constructions of theaters and sport stadiums should not be given up. Entertainment value, most obviously, is provided to the public when visiting theaters, as they are able to watch plays or films with friends;with plays, where traditional elements are in abundance, being watched by general public, cultures can be proliferated easier; and cities will thus becoming more diverse if there is one more way to entertain. Sport facilities, on the other hand, contribute to keeping publics’ health in a high level, relaxing people and promoting a sporting atmosphere. If such places are in sufficient number and accessible easily enough, they will serve as great incentive to encourage people to exercise, to spend leisure time and do sports there.
官方评分标准中,对于连接的8分表现为:uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention;manage all aspects of cohesion well; uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately; 也就是连接环环相扣但是不引人注目;而且连接的手段多样娴熟;分段充分恰当;
整个文段符合8分评分标准,“8-9”分——有连接,有可读性, 素材(ideas)和中心主题关系密切,而且连接手段丰富、不引人注目——这是正面例子哦,写作练习时要尽量靠近。
剑桥雅思真题4的 Test 4的Writing Task 2的文段给了很好的一个范例,这里引用考官的一个文段:
In many countries, the birth rate is decreasingso thatfamilies are smaller with fewer children. These childrenare often spoilt, not in terms of love and attentionbecause working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways. They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price,and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up without consideration for others and without any understanding of where their standard of living comes from.
考官这个文段使用了从句so that,并列not in terms of, but in,and以及because;代词These students,They,This means that。
以及替代词(暗连接):material ways 对应的具体化词语是:have whatever they want, regardless of price; 这是一个替代; 另一个是 behave as they please,与 grow up without consideration for others;
总的来讲,要在连接第二个评分标准的B part——中拿到高分,需要混合地使用代词、同义词(替代词)、连接装置,以及并列句,从句。