The two maps are the illustration of the change of the village of Stokeford, and the comparison is between the year of 1930 and the year of 2010. 可以在introduction处就对图做了宏观描述: Overall, the large areas of farmland were developed for housing, and the general layout of the village barely changed. 于是,从introduction到body就形成了“总—分”结构的行文思路:
In 2010, a visitor, going in the south-north direction and on the main road, would no longer see the farmland, which had been between the River Stoke and the village’s main road, but see houses on both sides of the road. Meanwhile, the visitor would find, on the east side of the main road, a retirement home, as the replacement of the gardens with a large house on the premises.
* would no longer see引导描写1930年的情况,but see引导描写2010年的情况。
* 注意时态:1930年的情况可以用过去完成时描述,2010年的情况,可以用一般过去时描述。
As the visitor went further into the central part of the village, there would appear a post office, which remained where it had been, and a primary school, which with the addition of two buildings was larger than it had been and remained at the original site. It is noticeable that the shops next to the post office was removed and replaced with houses.
* 定语从句引导描写1930年和2010年的比较。
* 注意时态:1930年的情况可以用过去完成时描述,2010年的情况,可以用一般过去时描述。
If the visitor went to the far north, he or she would find a number of houses, replacing the other area of farmland, in the northeast of the village, and to exit the village, the visitor couldstick to the south-north direction and use the bridge across the River Stoke, and the bridge had remained there during the 80 years.