Reading is more important for developing imaginations and language skills than television. Do you agree or disagree?
此题是我们日常生活中经常讨论的话题,不难构思。 从题库的角度来看,以前考察过的“电视对于人的creativity,communication的影响”都可以加以利用。
no denying that reading is important. in the long history of human beings, it has been the major way to acquire one's mohter tongue as well as a second language.for example, read WAR AND PEACE, or the Bible, ...... however, it can be not ignored there is defect regarding vividness and images. ...
some may claim that tv is damaging imagination and language skills of people today, because audiences accept information passively, and not enough mental stimulation in many programmes, such as some sit-com, … however, this viewpoint is somewhat oversimplistic. ..
Overall, no clear evidence shows television is less important or reading is more. …