location (n.) 地点
loc/ ation
place/ 名词字尾
1. locale (n.) 地点
loc/ ale
place/ 名词字尾
The King and I is more than a stock romance set in an exotic locale.
2. locate (v.) 地点
loc/ ate
place/ 动词字尾
The bat uses a sonar system to locate its food.
3. locomotive (n.) 火车头;推动者 (a.) 移动的
loco/ mot/ ive
place/ move/名词字尾
Germany has served as a locomotive, with Helmut Kohl as engineer, pulling the rest of Europe toward economic and political union.
4. locus (n.) 场所,主要地点
loc/ us
place/ 名词字尾
The Presidential Hall has traditionally been the locus of political power in Taiwan.
5. allocation (n.) 分配
al (ad) / loc/ ation
to/ place/ 名词字尾
A chief merit of the capitalist system is that it ensures efficient allocation of resources.
资本主义的一大优点是能确保资源最To be efficient的分配。
6. collocate (v.) 并列,对照,校对
col (com)/ loc/ ate
together/ place/ 动词字尾
The difference in handwriting is noticeable when one collocates the two signatures.
7. dislocate (v.) 脱臼,偏离,错乱
dis/ loc/ ate
away/ place/ 动词字尾
The boxer decided to quit the fight because of a dislocated shoulder.
8. relocate (v.) 迁移,改至其他地点
re/ loc/ ate
again/ place/ 动词字尾
After the devastiating earthquake, all the surviving inhabitants of Tungluo Village were relocated to a safer spot.